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Scrap Wood Succulent Planter

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hey there! I'm monica 

I pride myself on making amazing style and design accessible for everyone, regardless of location, budget, or ability! My design philosophy is rooted in authenticity + attainability - If I can do it, you can too! My work has been featured in countless publications, but I take the most pride in homeowners that have been personally inspired by my DIY ideas and have tried something in their own homes!

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Before I share my easy peasy scrap wood succulent planter, I’ve gotta be honest with you guys for a second.  I haven’t had much post-writing motivation in the last week.  I have a ton of back logged projects that I’ve finished and really love, but I just haven’t had much to say about them.  It’s not writer’s block, it’s just kinda like a blah phase or whatever.  So forgive the radio silence and don’t worry that this is the new norm- that would stink!

One thing I am motivated to talk about is World Cup soccer.  I actually don’t care too much about it, but I was just introduced to how stinkin’ good-looking 90% of those guys are!  Wowzers!  And don’t worry- Eric is cool with it- we watched the US game tonight and he was telling me players he thought I’d like. Ha!  He knows my taste!  Crazy fit? Check.  Tats? Check. Cool Haircut?  Check.  Did I mention crazy fit??  Ok, I did.  Moving on…

Scrap Wood Succulent Planter

We’re working on a big project around here- one I’ll begin sharing about in a few more weeks, so we have a lot of scrap wood.  I wanted to challenge myself to use some of it for a fun project!

Scrap Wood DIY Project ideas

I decided to build a wall planter that could serve as wall decor and a planter… yeah I bet that’s how it got its name.  I started off by creating 4 planting boxes using scrap 1x4s.

Building a box is really simple and to be honest I didn’t even worry about getting them exactly perfect.  I started off by cutting down my scraps.  I cut 4inch pieces, giving me little squares.

DIY Wooden Planter East Coast Creative

Here are picture steps  showing you how to make a mini wooden planter box.

How to Make Wooden Planter Boxes

Easy right?  I made 4 boxes and was good to go!

Scrap wood planter idea East Coast Creative

I took all my boxes and a piece of scrap plywood outside to work on painting.  Earlier in the morning I ran out and bought some sample sized paint pots to use on this project.

Painted Plywood Wall Art

I’m a huge fan of plywood and love doing little things to make the grain look cool.  Using an artist’s brush I painted over all the darker grain spots and lines. It went pretty quickly, because it didn’t have to be 100% perfect.  It’s a forgiving process.

Painted Plywood DIY succulent Planter East Coast Creative

While the plywood dried, I painted each planter box a different color from my Succulent Inspired Color Palette.

Succulent Color Palette East Coast Creative blog

DIY Succulent planter

Pennlyn likes to hang out with me when I work on DIY projects, but she never looks overly interested.  She’s not much of a cheerleader!

Bernese Mountain Dogs dont like DIY projects

My plywood and boxes were painted and I LOVED the succulent color palette contrasted against the orange accented plywood.

Scrap Wood Succulent Planter

I drilled 3 holes in the bottom of each planter box, used screws to attach them to the plywood from the back,  and then planted my succulents.

succulent box

I screwed the wall planter right into some studs in the wall.

DIY Box planter

I’m a huge fan of how it looks paired with my Neon Pop Thrift Store Art Upcycle!

DIY Planter Box East Coast Creative

Modern Planter DIT

I’ve never really had much on the walls in our breakfast nook other than the industrial style hanging portraits of my kids, so I love that this planter and the thrift store art are adding some fun color!

House Planter DIY

You could make this style planter and plant anything really.  I just stick with succulents because they’re hard to kill!

 I have one more planter idea for you guys and it’s by far my favorite crafty project I’ve done in ages, check it out here!

The comments +

  1. Mary Claire says:

    Fun project!! I love succulents and I love it paired with the painting-a project that I also love! Ha, I found myself thinking the same thing while watching soccer! Those guys did really well when they were giving hand outs at the gene pool! Good grief! They’re all Calvin Klein models!!

  2. love this! It looks great, and I love the accent on the wood grain.

  3. This is just plain AWESOME! Love how you painted the wood grain! Pinning for sure!

  4. Jesse says:

    Very cool planter! What nail gun do you use? Is it electric or air compressor?

  5. […] had planned to put these in our breakfast nook near my Neon Thrift Store Art and Scrap Wood Wall Planter, but I thought they might look good in my kids’ playroom, so that’s where they’ve […]

  6. Beth Marie says:

    This is such a cool planter! I think my fav is the accent on the wood grain ….sweeet!!

  7. […] detail on this process on my previous post about my mini wall planter, so you can get more info here, but basically you’re attaching each side with your nail gun, and then fitting in a bottom […]

  8. Betsy McAllister says:

    What do you do about dripping water when watering your plants?

    • Monica says:

      Hey Betsy. Because I used stones inside each box and also cactus soil I don’t have too much dripping at all, but usually I just toss a paper towel down under it just in case! 🙂 -Mon

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