My Mom Can Beat Up Your Mom- #kidding #kinda & a $500 RedEnvelope Giveaway

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hey there! I'm monica 

I pride myself on making amazing style and design accessible for everyone, regardless of location, budget, or ability! My design philosophy is rooted in authenticity + attainability - If I can do it, you can too! My work has been featured in countless publications, but I take the most pride in homeowners that have been personally inspired by my DIY ideas and have tried something in their own homes!

learn more about ME + MY BIZ

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of RedEnvelope, but the awesome Mom is all mine! 


I have THE best mom- sorry, but really I do.  Second best moms are really nice too- don’t worry, but mine takes the cake.  And about the title of this post- yeah, it’s true, but she could take me out too.  The woman is a gym fiend and can run circles around me as well as scare off any gang with her ripped muscles- she’s a major asset when traveling!  One super cool thing this year, was being able to work on a “Knock It Off” episode with my mom!  If you haven’t seen the episode, I really must insist you watch it... let’s just say my dad thinks I’m “flashy,” my parents thought it was a good idea to have pictures of me from 6th grade, wearing a sports bra in plain view of cameras, and I’m the worst daughter ever, because they had to officially submit a room to my TV show to get me to come over and help them with their project.  Epic I tell ya.  So, clearly I’m not winning Daughter of the Year, but I’m hoping I can follow in my moms footsteps and try for Mom of the year one of these days!

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When RedEnvelope reached out to me and asked if I’d work with them this month, it was a no-brainer, because honestly I’ve gotten a TON of my mother’s day gifts from them in the past!  I was first introduced to RedEnvelope by Nate Berkus.  He got me a gift card there after one of the episodes of The Nate Show that we worked on.  And come on, if Nate loves it- I love it!  I bought my mother-in-law an amazing, personalized bath robe last year and she loved it and uses it all the time!  Basically, asking me to talk about RedEnvelope and Mother’s Day is just too easy- I’d be doing it anyway!

I started thinking about moms in general and how different we all are.  I’ve actually been thinking of writing a post about my take on different kinds of moms, but I’m not sure I’m ready for the passion that so many people have about that topic #drama !!  Let me know if you think I should… maybe I just need a little input from you guys.  Anyhow,  I was looking on RedEnvelope for gift ideas and saw that they’ve narrowed it down to 4 types of moms and actually have gift recommendations for each type- Love it!!


Red Envelope East Coast Creative

I tried to figure out which of the 4 fits me best, but I realized I could only really tell you which one DOES NOT fit me… any guesses???


 Sentimental! I am so not touchy feely, I think I’ve cried in public about 4 times in my life, occasionally people call me Stone Cold Austin,  I save little mementos of things, but I think I do it more because you’re supposed to, than because I want them as memories.  However, the other 3 types of moms are right up my alley.  I’m always on the go- I think I function best when I have a million things going on.  I’m a Modern Mom in my own mind, but I took the RedEnvelope quiz and I’m not so sure I fit their description, but I did like the gifts ideas they suggested.  And lastly, I’m WAY social- a few weeks ago in church our pastor was talking about social media and asking people to raise their hands if they used each different platform… let’s just say after the first 3 with my hand up and all my kids pointing at me in front of everyone, I was turning a nice shade of scarlet red and fighting the urge to tell all 2500 people “I’m a BLOGGER!! I have to be on all these!”  Ha!  But for reals, I’d probably be on them anyway!  I love people and having people over, connecting, and all that jazz- I’m a social mom!    Do you know what type of mom you are? If you wanna find out, RedEnvelope can help with their fun little quiz you can take here.

So, we’ve established that my mom can beat your mom up, but I’d love to hear about your moms…  I think it’s something we as women don’t talk about all that much.  I know not everyone has had the ideal mom experience, but I think that the good and the bad still shapes us and helps us become the women that we are today.  Some of the qualities in my mom that I can see so clearly in myself now, are her drive, her independence, her love for other people, her determination, and her ability to deal with a strong-willed daughter… yup, I’m getting to experience the joys of that with my oldest daughter- it’s a dreamboat!

I was super excited to pick out my mom’s Mother’s Day Present from RedEnvelope a few weeks back.  When I was looking I actually pinned a few of my favorite things that I’d love on a Pinterest board- you can check em out Here.

I ended up getting my mom this incredible hammock

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She’s had quite a year and I’m hoping this summer is a chance for her to relax!  They have 2 trees in their yard that are perfect for a hammock, and they used to have one, but she has 4 grandkids and ahem… they broke it last year.  Hammock rides can get a little wild apparently.  I know that this one is going to last and be awesome for her this summer.  I’m so excited to give it to her next weekend!!  If you’re like our family, on mother’s day I get to have my day with my kiddos and the weekend after we do our own moms.  It works out really well!

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What would your mom LOVE from RedEnvelope this year?

How about you??  It’s totally legit to give your spouse some ideas- it makes their job easier and you won’t end up with another World’s Best Mom mug!  Maybe try out a little #whatmomwants with ’em!


You can even Download this and email it to the person of your choice with a link or links to what you want from RedEnvelope this Mother’s Day. You’ve earned it!


We’re also giving away three $500 RedEnvelope Gift Cards!  So, even if you end up with a “World’s Best Mom” Mug for the 5th year in a row, you could do a little shopping on your own!!  Use the Rafflecopter below to enter- it’s a quick giveaway, so you just might win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The giveaway will  end May 7, 2014 at 11:59pm PT.

Three winners will be selected to receive a $500 RedEnvelope gift card.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of RedEnvelope.

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The comments +

  1. Erika says:

    Love that hammock!

  2. Chandan says:

    Picnic Backpack – that’s an easy one! 🙂

  3. jackie says:

    I’d buy my mom some jewelry

  4. Liz says:

    The anchor bracelet! So cute.

  5. Emily Fordham says:

    It’s so hard to decide. Everything there have is great!

  6. colette says:

    that hammock is perfection.

  7. Laura says:

    Of course, I’d buy my mom some sparkly bling! She loves jewelry.

  8. Becky says:

    Love it! ANd I love the hammock. My mom is a practical gal, so she’d get something to use – not just something to wear like jewelry.

  9. Mary says:

    Oooh, that hammock is calling my name!

  10. What a beautiful choice for your mom. Hope she can get some good ol’ rest & relaxation in that beauty! Did you include some margarita mix too?! 🙂

  11. Whitney says:

    It would be fun to win and pick out something fabulous with my awesome mom!

  12. Edie S says:

    Too much cute stuff. My mom loves jewlery, and purses, and shoes and …

  13. Courtney says:

    The hammock is perfect for our backyard renovation that’s currently underway!

  14. janet says:

    The linen throw and lazy susan!

  15. Katy says:


  16. marly z. says:

    The hammock, the hammock, the hammock!!!!!

  17. Meg says:

    The five star robe

  18. Lisa D. says:

    Definitely the hammock. Mostly because my kids broke my mom’s last year too! Plus it is beautiful!

  19. Deb says:

    I would have to get my mom a beautiful piece of jewelry!

  20. Danielle says:

    That hammock is pretty snazzy…but if I was going to slurge I’d say the cashmere cape is calling my mom’s name!

  21. Kala M. says:

    I love the Hootch-Owl Corkscrew. I think he is so cute.

  22. Kathy says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. ErinY says:

    I am totally digging the wooden serving bowl with the turquoise bottom! How cute!

  24. marie says:

    I would get my mom that hammock -great idea!

  25. Megan says:

    I love the birthstone necklace! I would get a blue sapphire circle pendant for my 8 month old daughter 🙂

  26. J Stone says:

    It’s so hard to decide. But I want to win badly, lol

  27. We love the hammock too! But our Mamita would probably fall out of it 😉 Thanks for the chance to win!

  28. Katie L says:

    that hammock is gorgeous!

  29. Kara D. says:

    I would get my mom those cool wooden bowls (the colors are amazing)!

  30. Sharlene Piscitelli says:

    Some jewelry and wall art.

  31. kylie says:

    Love all of the jewelry options!

  32. Kristin PG says:

    Wow… I love love that hammock; my mom would love that! Thanks for the chance to win!

  33. Brittany says:

    Something cashmere. My mom only buys clothing if it is on clearance AND she has a coupon. Since she never splurges for herself, I do it for her. 🙂

  34. Rachel Jacobson says:

    I love the anchor Inspire Bracelet and the Eberjey Lady Godiva Robe. Want!

  35. Mindy says:

    For my mom, jewelry. For myself, something for the home.

  36. Callie says:

    The Lady Godiva robe is TO DIE FOR. My mom would adore that!

  37. Kim says:

    My mom is a very practical woman. She loves gardening and watching birds. I would get her the bird feeders and the gardening tote. Happy Mother’s Day to you, Monica and Jess!

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