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hey there! I'm monica 

I pride myself on making amazing style and design accessible for everyone, regardless of location, budget, or ability! My design philosophy is rooted in authenticity + attainability - If I can do it, you can too! My work has been featured in countless publications, but I take the most pride in homeowners that have been personally inspired by my DIY ideas and have tried something in their own homes!

learn more about ME + MY BIZ

I figured this was going to happen at some point- me eating my words. I mean, with the hundreds of posts and millions of words we write, something had to come back and bite me. Last Fall Monica and I made this short little video for something and we’re pretty sure we’ve never shown it to you. It’s just a closer look at us, our craziness and our adorable kids. For the purpose of this post, please pay close attention to what I say at minute 1:00.





Did you catch that? I made a claim I never should I have claimed. And this is why:

Eeeeek. Can you believe that? No, neither could we. We thought we were completely done having kids after two- we even sold all of our baby stuff last year. But God has other plans for us. I’ll be honest, at first, this was really hard for me to get excited about. I know, that sounds terrible. And I’m really sorry if I offend anyone, but it’s true. It’s just how I felt. We’re just hitting our stride with our two kids- they’re old enough that we aren’t stuck to a schedule every day and we’re finally out of diapers! ย Plus, Monica and I are doing some big things and it just felt like the timing couldn’t be worse. However, this has reminded me that I am not in control. God knows what I need when I need it. Clearly, He wanted this baby to be a part of our family at this point in time and I can happily say that I am getting excited now! I’m due early in October and so am about 18 weeks along already!. ๐Ÿ™‚
You know what else? I get to design and decorate another nursery. Woohoo! Trust me, I’ll keep you in the loop with all my plans and will most likely even ask you for advice!
Have you guys ever been surprised by a pregnancy?ย 
Please tell me I’m not the only one who has had to eat their words.

The comments +

  1. Erin says:

    Congratulations! What great news! Can’t wait to see what your design plans have in store for the nursery!

  2. So you know how to use birth control, do you? Bwah, ha, ha! : ) Congratulations! Our third daughter was a surprise, and I also needed a little time to get excited. I was in such serious denial, by the time I took a pregnancy test I was about 8 weeks along. Of course, I love her oodles and can’t imagine her not being here, but it can be tough when you were not planning for it. Can’t wait to see your nursery plans.

  3. Congrats! Can’t wait to see how you decorate! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Congratulations ๐Ÿ™‚ We were definitely surprised by our first pregnancy. We’d only been married for 6 months and found out I was pregnant! My goodness, though, I can’t imagine our lives without our sweet Lily girl. Best surprise ever ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Mindy says:

    Haha, congrats! We have three. Seven, five, and 15 months. Yeah, that last one wasn’t exactly “planned.” So I hear ya on the initial freak out. I didn’t tell my husband for two whole weeks. But now, of course, we can’t imagine our family without her. In a few months, you won’t remember life without the new little critter. Congrats again!

  6. Congratulations on the new addition!

  7. Kim Conner says:

    Wow Jess! Congrats to you. I know when things are planned it can be a bit of an emotional roller coaster, but you’re children are beautiful, you have a great hubby and you are a great mom. Adding a third is just a cherry on the top.

  8. Totally jinxed yourself! Congrats girl that is incredible news!!!!!

  9. Erin says:

    Yay!! Congratulations!!

  10. Jersh says:

    We have SIX – and #6 was a complete surprise! We too had sold or given away the crib, car seat, high-chair & had to start all over. Didn’t even have a diaper bag anymore. Or bibs. I would actually forget I was pregnant sometimes (early on), then it would smack me in the face and remind me. People say surprise or “accident” (hate that one), but I know that if we remember who is in charge of our lives here on Earth everything works out! Our life wouldn’t be complete without Sophie (who’s 3 now)! You’ll be surprised how easy it is to get into a groove again! =]

  11. Cory Laine says:

    We already had two, a girl and a boy. When our son was a year and half we were in talks about baby #3. We knew that financially for work reasons we would need to start trying right away but ultimately decided it just made more sense to be done. We told all our family and close friends that we had decided no go on #3 and then 2 weeks later found out I was pregnant. Apparently she was already on her way when we were making our decision. I love that God decided to surprise us because I always imagined another little girl in our lives it just didn’t seem like the responsible choice:)

  12. Good for you. We have 3 kids, ages 10, 8 and 2. Yup, that last one was a surprise but in a good way since we’d be trying for years and years. I too had given up hope and sold all my baby stuff. But it’s fun to buy it all again.

  13. Oh Jess! I am so happy for you! I loved meeting your kids and I could tell you are a great mom. You will be a fabulous mom of 3. I can dig it not being ready just yet but He only gives what we can handle, right? Can’t wait to see the nursery! ๐Ÿ™‚ Congrats Miss Jess!

  14. Rebekah Tice says:

    I was wondering why you hadn’t posted much lately. Congrats! One of my brothers was a BIG surprise. God certainly knows what is best for our families despite what our plans our. My youngest brother will graduate from high school next month and we could not be more proud of him and happy to have him in our family. Enjoy your surprise #3!!

  15. Liz Luscomb says:

    First, Congrats girl!!
    And to answer your question, yes. I’ve had to eat my words twice, and the people closest to me never let me forget it. I had my first child at a young age and I said I was done…fast forward NINE years later, and I have my second child.

    Then I eat my words again. We said we were done…and then…4 weeks after I had my second child, I became pregnant with my third.

    So yeah…my last two children are 10 months apart. I think they call that Irish Twins, lol.

  16. Jill Hagler says:

    Congrats!! I have 3 kids & life is full. That’s for sure. lol. If you’re wanting some unique gifts, check out my site: ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. Oh snap!!! Congrats to you!! That whole birth control can be tricky!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  18. Ha! Congratulations! Will look forward to following along with you on your baby journey!

  19. Jenny Lynn says:

    Congratulations! How fun for you to have something another reason to get creative. Looking forward to seeing what the new nursery looks like.

  20. BJewelryBox says:

    Congratulations! How blessed are you to be having a 3rd child. I was blessed with one and I thank God for him everyday. He is making me a Grandma this August. God really is great! Congrats again to you and your family. ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Setjay says:

    Ahahah this happened to me one year ago, third kid too and i didn’t know i was almost 4 months pregnant ! Maybe because i was under pill – grr !!! We said NO KIDS after two, who only had 13 months apart, and we finally had a third who has 10 months apart with the last… Yeahh. 3 kids in less than 2 years. Tears. lol
    And a positive thought : our little third baby is the best, kinder, beautiful, perfect baby in the world, and now i can say our family wouldn’t had been “full” without him. Crazy !

  22. 1HotGran says:

    Congratulations!!I wasn’t surprised but my husband sure was with our third child, I had just stopped nursing and had one “.”, I warned my hubby to stay away from me, LOL!! My youngest 2 are 14 months apart, we were living in a tiny 2BR apt at the time with a 4 yr old and a 5 month old, needless to say we had to start looking for a bigger place real fast. My ‘baby’ will be 25 this year and I couldn’t imagine my life without her however it was kind of overwhelming at the time. One old wives tale – don’t get rid of the final baby things until you reach menopause, God loves to surprise us!! We are expecting our 4th Granddaughter in a month or so (all from our oldest)this 4th GD was definitely a surprise to my eldest daughter and the rest of the world too!

  23. jerri says:

    Congratulations!!!! I got nervous for minute and thought Monica was going to surprise us w/ Baby #5 :).

  24. Unknown says:

    Congratulations!!! I have and 18,12,11 and 8mth old.I mean hubby and I were going on dates when the baby turned ll because they were old enough to look after themselves for a few hours, then bam! Took me a while to to come to terms with also but as you said God is on control and she was in his plan so I am just going along with his will!!!

  25. Sarah says:

    Ha! Congrats! My youngest son was a surprise. I took us a long while to get pregnant with my daughter so we figured it would take us while the second time. I was nursing and my daughter had turned one so I stopped nursing. The next day I found out I was pregnant. Surprise! I can’t imagine my life without him.

  26. We thought we were going to wait for baby number 3 until our two girls were at least in kindergarten (currently they are 3 and 18months). But… then we got our little surpise. Baby girl number 3 is due in mid-August. Definitely a panic moment when I saw the results of the pregnancy test but I’m getting very excited to meet her now. Congratulations from one mom to another.

  27. Yeah!! Congratulations!
    I’m excited to see the nursery design and all things baby crafts!
    BUT This does bring up my next question- when do we get to see ideas for Mother’s Day gifts?? I LOVED the painted bottles last year (and I made them). I need more crafty ideas!

  28. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! That is all. I’m excited for you, Jess! XOXO

  29. Anne says:

    Aww, congratulations!!! How blessed you are!! I will be 61 years old when my youngest daughter graduates from highschool. She was one of the sweetest “surprises” ever, she has brought so much joy into our lives! Enjoy every minute…

  30. Jess!!!!!!!!!!! Haha. Yep, we had hit our stride with two…they were older and life was getting fairly easy then SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luke is almost 2 now…can’t say it’s been easy but it’s been worth it. Obviously. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll be praying for you! God is Good! So Very Many Congrats!!!!!!

  31. […] four weeks early, but he’s healthy and growing like a weed! You might remember that when I announced this pregnancy, I had mixed emotions. But those days seem long gone because I can’t imagine life with out […]

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