The Real Housewives- An Announcement!

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hey there! I'm monica 

I pride myself on making amazing style and design accessible for everyone, regardless of location, budget, or ability! My design philosophy is rooted in authenticity + attainability - If I can do it, you can too! My work has been featured in countless publications, but I take the most pride in homeowners that have been personally inspired by my DIY ideas and have tried something in their own homes!

learn more about ME + MY BIZ

Time for Our Big Announcement!
Here’s the deal, plain and simple. ย We’ve been contacted by NBC Universal, which owns Bravo and all of The Real Housewives Shows… Guess what?? The want to do a show about us! KIDDING! Nope, they actually contacted us because they want us to cease and desist… that means stop using Real Housewives in our name. ย Major Bummer. ย Although in 2012 Jess and I did make a goal of talking behind each others’ backs, wearing tighter, low cut clothing, and making millions of dollars, we’re sort of lost as to the “possible confusion” that NBC was worried about with this little old DIY blog.
Well, we’ve talked about it, prayed about it, sought legal advice, and in the end we decided it’s not worth the huge costs we’d incur to keep our beloved “Real Housewives of Bucks County” name. ย (We technically could try and fight this one under fair use law, but we’re not looking for a battle)
Of course we’re “Look on the Brightside Girls” so we’re going to make the most of this re-branding! ย We’re looking for a new name that totally reflects our personality and style. ย Who knows us better than YOU, our readers? ย So we need your help!

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So, start thinking! We want our Facebook, comments, and email flooded with amazing ideas from you. ย Honestly, Jess and I just keep saying RHBC in our heads because it’s been our baby for the past 12 months. ย We totally need your creative help in this process.
Here’s How we Need Your Help:
#1- Tell us you’ll still love us even as “the bloggers formally known as The Real Housewives!”
#2- Share ANY and all name ideas with us through comments, Facebook, or email (don’t worry about us not liking it, we want to hear any ideas!)
#3- Consider sharing our dilemma on your blog, or Facebook… the more help the merrier! ย 
**Update: ย We love the ideas we’re getting so far. Some of them are cracking us up! We just wanted to let you know that we plan to move away from “housewives” at all… just to be on the safe side. ย So keep the fab. ideas coming!**
Just keeping it real, of course we’re nervous about this change over. ย We’ve worked really hard this past year, and a little piece of us is worried about losing readers, people not being able to find us etc… BUT, we’re trusting that this will work out for good and who knows, maybe even catapult us towards awesome new opportunities!
Thanks so much and sorry we didn’t have some awesomeย announcementย like our own show! Ha! We’re still workin’ on that one!


Only following on the blog? ย You’re missing out. ย Use the buttons below to join in on all the fun!

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The comments +

  1. Anonymous says:

    This means that you’re considered popular enough to be a threat. A bit of a bummer but it sounds a lot like a compliment to me.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Keepin’ it Real in Bucks County?

  3. Anonymous says:

    the true housewives of Bucks County.

  4. This is RIDICULOUS! I mean, really.. who in the world says you can’t use the name REAL HOUSEWIVES. Ugh! ANYWAYS, you guys are 100x’s better then those other “housewives” if that’s even what you wanna call them. but Really though that’s huge that they are even worried about you being a threat. and I would find you guys much more entertaining then those skanks they put on TV.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Young House Love had the same thing happen (they used to be This Young House), and they are doing pretty well for themselves. ๐Ÿ™‚ Definitely take it as a compliment.

    What if you figure something out with the same initials?

    Real Happenings of Bucks County, Redoing Homes in Bucks County, Reno(vation) Happy in Bucks County

  6. Reenie says:

    She & Me of BC
    The BC Housewives for Real (bring it on Bravo)
    We Two & You Too
    Hmmmm….will keep thinking…and following of course

  7. Christina says:

    oh this is so silly. I totally don’t have any ideas off the top of my head, but I will think of some suggestions!


  8. Finding Home says:

    Okay, here is my first thoughts….

    Bucks County Creative

    But I will still keep trying, oh and good luck on your 2012 goals! Ha!

    Take care,

  9. The Crafty Housewives of Buck County!

  10. Amy Z. says:

    The Bucks County DIY Housewives
    The Real DIY Housewives of Bucks County
    The DIY Girls
    Real Housewives, Real Projects

  11. Jennifer says:

    This is too funny. I am glad you are seeing the humor in it and you should feel flattered that they are picking on you. How abou “the really amazing housewives of bucks county”???

  12. Anonymous says:

    How about “The Real Girls Next Door”? Or just “Monica and Jess” I can’t believe they are making you change your name, but I will still stalk – I mean follow – your blog! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Mona in Texas

  13. I would read no matter what you called it!

    Bucks County DIY

    Nate’s Girls

    Bucks County Girls

    The Aunthentic Homemakers of Bucks County

    Or maybe a name that would bring out how ya’ll are friends that blog together!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Love you and your blog!!!! This is actually a good thing.
    I am a lawyer and have been wondering why this had not happened yet. But the only confusion there would ever be would be favorable to their brand! You are clearly superior!! Quite the opposite, their reputation is not a favorable reflection on you. Ditch it!
    But PLEASE be very grateful that NBC sent this to you now. You are building a fantastic brand and you would not want to lose it later. (I am also a business professor!) Stick with something similar, publicize with widely (ask all you blogger friends to post about it, and we will all transition over with you. Continue to build your brand with your own name and you will never have to worry about this again!
    How about something like The DIY Girls of Bucks County?

  15. Allred Fam says:

    Hmmmm…. bummer. I like some of the names from above that some other commenters have suggested. I am not concerned about you losing readers- as long as you are able to use the http to connect them to the new site- but how long will you be able to use that? I was interested to read this from you because I am starting up a new blog and am using “part” of a household known name and I’m concerned this will be a problem for me in the future. Love your fun and classy DIY blog-

  16. Heather says:

    From one Bucks County girl to another…’m a follower…no matter what your name is, was or will be! I like it simple… “Jess & Monica” or maybe “Simply Jess & Monica.” My blog is also changing its name.

  17. Bringing it From Bucks County.
    Bucks County Design Divas
    Design, Create, and Life in Bucks County
    Rockin’ Bucks County Housewives

    Total bummer about your name change, but I bet you’ll come up with something great!

  18. Punky says:

    Think Outside The Crate
    MM&JJ (I never before realized that your BOTH names and last names start with the same letters!!)

  19. How about the “Unreal” Housewives….

  20. Barbara says:

    Mmmm…as for an idea…you could use your own description of yourselves in this post?

    How about

    The “Brightside” Housewives of Bucks County

    or simply

    Brightside Housewives of Bucks County

    I believe things like this always happen for a reason and I’d bet that your new name will be 10 times better than the old one!

    Best of luck to you…and I will be following no matter what you call your blog!!!

  21. Anonymous says:

    Who do they think they are? You ARE housewives, are you not? And I would assume you live in Buck County? I wish I was a millionaire so I could hire you a big time lawyer! PPPPPffffffffffttttttttttt on them!

  22. julie40cat says:

    I will cont. to follow your lovely blog regardless of the name. The Handy Housewives of Bucks County or Bucks County Design Divas.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Love your blog as well no matter what the name… Faux REAL Housewives of Bucks County!!

  24. Dharma says:

    You named it in your post! The Brightside Housewives of Busk’s County”

  25. Anonymous says:

    Oh man, I just found you guys (by googling “Monica and Jess, Nate Show, DIY bloggers”). Now I will have to pay extra close attention to the move to make sure you’re still on my feed. No suggestions on what to name your blog or how to make sure your readers don’t get lost in the shuffle, but no worries, I for one, am not going anywhere.

  26. So I read this and saw the part where they wanted you on the show and the first thing that popped into my head was – THAT’S SO COOL! Can I be on too???? hahaha

    No name ideas come to mind (i suck at names, it took me FOREVER to name my blog) but of course I will still follow and help promote you gals!

  27. Laura says:

    Too bad the ACLU wouldn’t see this a First Amendment issue and help for free.

    I am horrible with naming too, sorry, but do suggest keeping Bucks County so you don’t lose easily confused people.

  28. Holly says:

    I’m excited for you too – that is HUGE that you got contacted by NBC to change it up. I like the idea of the person who said Bucks County Creative. Here are a few others: Bucks County Craft & Design, Creating Design in Bucks County, or Create and Design in Bucks

  29. Anne says:

    Hi. I’m glad you are seeing this as a positive. To be “real” when I first stumbled on your blog, I did have a bit of a “negative” connotation in my mind because of my low opinion of the shallow folk on the “Real Housewives” show. So as far as I am concerned jettisoning the “Real Housewives” connotation can only be a positive. Though you have hints in your banner about “Real Life” and a few other shares about your personal life and your role as housewives, there doesn’t really seem to be much content concerning these aspects. You really seem to focus on great DIY projects that show how to get some make trendy design ideas accessible and easy via DIY. I would focus on what you are doing that is attracting your audience. Review what blog posts generate the most interest in your site. Focus your identity on what you have been doing that has really seemed to work. (Personally, I come for the great DIY ideas)

  30. Kaela says:

    Ok, a buck’s female equivalent would be a doe, so maybe a play on words with that?

    The does of bucks county, bucks does
    Doe See Doe (like do-si-do, get it?)

    Does and Hoes (maybe a gardening section could be added?)

    Good luck, I’ll follow you gals wherever you settle!

  31. I’m bad at names, but be sure I will follow regardless what you have to change it to. Good luck!

  32. Josie says:

    ohhh that sucks!!!! What about as you said – looking on the brightside and CALLING yourself “the brightside” its kinda catchy and I love that your Blog always leaves me with a smile… it certainly is on the brightside of life!!!

    Love you guys and know that the absolutest most awesomest name will come to you! when you least expect it!!!

    keep up the amazing work gals. We think your awesome and that won’t change just because your name does!! xx

  33. Tina says:

    Makeover Momma’s of Bucks County
    DIY Momma’s of Bucks County

    And I will still follow. Love all the ideas!

  34. Hmmmm…maybe something to keep your RHBC – Real Handy in Bucks County…I’ll have to keep thinking. Sorry they weren’t actually calling you for a show. ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. Jules says:

    Wow! You all ARE so positive and definitely “Look on the Bright side Girls”…this is a big change- scary and yet exciting. I will definitely still follow and promote you all, no worries ๐Ÿ™‚ …I also know there may be some bumps in the road as you transition…praying they are for the better and your blog gets more traffic because of it though! ๐Ÿ˜‰ You all seem so hard working, real down to earth, spunky, bright & fun, practical & creative, professional and ambitious DIYers! …Looks like you have had a lot of name suggestions from previous commenters…the name will come to you and maybe just hit you in the face when the time comes down to it. (I’m a logo designer by profession, yet my hobby is decorating and DIYing my home…and you all are great inspirations ๐Ÿ˜‰ …I know how hard it is to come up with something ‘perfect’ that reflects and communicates you all, your personality, and your mission of your blog…but we believe you’ll find it! Blessings to you both! ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. Karen says:

    The Brightside of Bucks County.

    I would never associate y’all with the trashy “housewives” they put on those silly shows. They should change the name of those shows to “The Trashy Married Women of Wherever” Ha- Bravo should be thanking you!

  37. Natalie says:

    Bummer to hear of the dilemma, but trust things will work out! I like the “bucks county” staying in there so there’s still a relation…

    DIY Gals of Bucks County
    Keepin it Real in Bucks County

    Blessings to you!!!

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